In light of the recent increase in scams and phishing attempts, it is crucial to verify and confirm that messages received are genuinely sent by an official source.
From 1 Sep 2022, REACH has started using only the Sender ID ‘MCI REACH’ to send SMS.
This Sender ID has been registered with IMDA’s SMS Sender ID Registry, and only REACH can send SMS using this Sender ID.
a. MC| REACH (lowercase ‘L’, ‘1’, ‘|’ or ‘!’),
b. mci reach (lowercase)
c. MCI reach or mci REACH (mixed lower and upper cases)
d. MCIREACH (without spaces)
e. MCI-REACH or MCI_REACH (with dashes or underscore)
f. MCI REACH or MCI REACH (double or more spaces)
g. REACH, RAECH, REECH, REACH MCI (slight variations)
h. (MCI REACH), [MCI REACH], {MCI REACH} (with parenthesis, square or curly brackets)
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