National Environment Agency
National Environment Agency
Consultation Period:
04 Jan 2023 - 03 Feb 2023

Detailed Description

Public Consultation on Proposed Amendments to the Energy Conservation (Regulated Goods and Registered Suppliers) Regulations


1. The National Environment Agency (NEA) of Singapore is seeking feedback on the proposed amendments to the Energy Conservation (Regulated Goods and Registered Suppliers) Regulations (“EC(RG&RS)R”). The EC(RG&RS)R governs the requirements on regulated goods covered under the Mandatory Energy Labelling Scheme (MELS) and Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS). 

The key amendments are as follows:

1. Raise MEPS for regulated split type air-conditioners, refrigerators and lamps
2. Revise MELS for regulated lamps
3. Include portable air-conditioners and more lamp types as regulated goods 
4. Set MEPS and standby power limits for televisions

The consultation exercise will start on 04 January 2023 and end on 03 February 2023.


2. In Oct 2022, it was announced that Singapore will raise its national climate target to achieve “net zero emissions by 2050” as part of our Long-Term Low-Emissions Development Strategy (LEDS). Singapore will also “reduce emissions to around 60 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e) in 2030 after peaking emissions earlier” as part of the revised 2030 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Key mitigation measures include improving energy efficiency, fuel switching and adopting alternative energy. 

3. To reduce emissions in the household sector, the Government promotes the adoption of energy-efficient appliances in homes and encourages energy conservation habits amongst households. Both MELS and the MEPS are key policies undertaken to reduce energy consumption and emissions in the household sector using energy-efficient appliances. 

4. MELS help consumers make informed purchasing decisions when buying energy intensive appliances. Manufacturers and suppliers are required to affix energy labels to appliances that are designated as regulated products under the Energy Conservation Act (ECA). The energy label contains information on the energy consumption and energy costs of each appliance. It also highlights the relative energy efficiency of an appliance, with more ticks indicating higher efficiency. The objective of the tick rating system is to help consumers identify more efficient models. 

5. MEPS raises the average energy efficiency of household appliances by removing the least energy efficient appliances from the market. This protects consumers from being locked into the high energy costs that result from operating energy inefficient appliances. 

Proposed Amendments to the Energy Conservation (Regulated Goods and Registered Suppliers) Regulations

6. NEA reviews regularly the energy efficiency requirements of both the MEPS and MELS of all regulated products and they are revised over time to increase the adoption of more energy-efficient appliances. NEA recently conducted a review of the energy efficiency requirements for the following household appliances and is proposing the following amendments:

Household Appliance

Amendments to Energy Efficiency Requirements

Effective Date*

Split type air-conditioners

  • Raise MEPS to 4-tick for single-split air-conditioners
  • Raise MEPS to 5-tick for multi-split air-conditioners 

April 2025


  • Raise MEPS to 3-tick level 

April 2025


  • Regulate T5 LFL/LED under EC(RG&RS)R
  • Raise MEPS to 100lm/W for bulbs
  • Set MEPS at 100lm/W for LEDni, T8/T5 LED, CFLni
  • Set MEPS at 75lm/W for T8/T5 LFL
  • Introduce a 4-tick rating for all lamps with an updated Energy Label design

April 2024


  • Raise MEPS to 4-tick for non-8K TVs,
  • Raise MEPS to 3-tick for 8K TVs,
  • Set passive standby power limit at 0.5W for all TV types

April 2024

Portable Air-conditioners

  • Regulate Portable air-conditioners under EC(RG&RS)R
  • Introduce a 2-tick rating for portable air-conditioners at:
  • 1-tick at 3.0 ≤ COP100% < 3.25
  • 2-tick at COP100% ≥ 3.25

April 2024

*Suppliers which are affected by the proposed revisions will be given a 1-year grace period from the take effect date to clear existing stocks that are imported, including models that do not meet the revised MEPS.

[1] Definition of Lamp Types:

CFLi         : Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) with integrated ballast

CFLni       : CFL (non-integrated ballast)

LEDi         : LED direct replacement bulb for CFLi

LEDni      : LED direct replacement bulb for CFLni

LFL           : Linear Fluorescent Lamp

Details of the current and proposed energy efficiency requirements can be found in the Annex.

Proposed Energy Efficiency requirement amendments for split-type air-conditioners

7. With the proposed MEPS, consumers will still be able to choose from a wide variety of models in different capacity ranges and enjoy more efficient air-conditioners if MEPS is raised to the respective 4-tick and 5-tick levels. 

Proposed Energy Efficiency requirement amendments for refrigerators

8. MEPS for refrigerators was raised to the current 2-tick level in 2022. As refrigerators are operational throughout the day, the setting of MEPS at 3-tick level would encourage suppliers to bring in more 3 and 4-tick refrigerators and consumers will benefit from having the options of more efficient refrigerators. Climate Friendly Households (CFH) vouchers for refrigerators are available for smaller households to purchase more efficient refrigerators.

Proposed Energy Efficiency requirement amendments for lamps

9. The proposed MEPS for the following type of lamps will be at 100lm/W for bulbs, LEDni, T8/T5 LED, CFLni and 75lm/W for T8/T5 LFL.

10. The range of efficacy of LED technology is wide and continuously improving. In order to help consumers identify the more energy efficient LED lamps, NEA will be proposing to introduce a 4-tick level from the current maximum of 3-tick. 

11. There will be a change in the design of the Energy Label for lamps, in which the new design will help consumers differentiate the different energy efficiency ratings. 

Proposed Energy Efficiency requirement amendments for televisions

12. The current models available for televisions are at 1- to 5-tick level. With the proposed MEPS, the energy efficiency standards of TVs will be raised while providing a wide range of models with competitive pricing across different TV sizes.

13. There will also be an introduction of a 0.50W maximum passive standby power limit for all TV types. This ensures low standby power is maintained when the appliance is not in use.

Proposed Energy Efficiency requirement for portable air-conditioners

14. In general, portable air-conditioners are energy inefficient as compared to other types of air-conditioners. The proposed regulations will be for single-phase portable air- conditioners having a single exhaust duct, of cooling capacity 12kW or lower.

15. The proposed energy efficiency ratings for portable air-conditioners will have two tick ratings, which are 3.0 ≤ COP100% < 3.25 for 1-tick and COP100% ≥ 3.25 for 2-tick. The proposed MEPS will be set at the 1-tick level. Consumers are still encouraged to opt for single-split air-conditioners as the preferred alternative where greater lifecycle costs savings can be achieved, if feasible.

Public Consultation

16. NEA invites members of the public to share your views on the proposed amendments to the energy efficiency requirements of the EC(RG&RS)R. All comments received during the consultation exercise will be reviewed and may be incorporated into the final measure. Interested parties can submit their feedback to  The consultation exercise will end on 03 February 2023.

17. To ensure that the consultation is productive and focused, respondents are requested to observe these guidelines when providing their feedback:

a) Identify yourself as well as the organization you represent, if applicable so that we may follow up with you to clarify any issues, if necessary.
b) Be clear and concise in your comments.
c) Focus your comments on the proposal and how it can be improved.
d) As far as possible, substantiate your points with illustrations, examples, data or alternative suggestions.