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Public Consultation on Copyright Review
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Ministry of Law and Intellectual Property Office of Singapore
Consultation Period: 23 Aug 2016 - 24 Oct 2016
Status: Closed
Detailed Description
Copyright is a form of intellectual property right which gives creators and producers of creative works the right to control specific uses of their works for a limited period of time.
A good copyright regime balances between providing exclusive rights as an incentive to create and disseminate new creative works, and providing appropriate access to those works for the benefit of other creators and society at large. This balance encourages the creation and dissemination of knowledge and ultimately contributes to the larger drive to foster innovation.
Copyright law has to be regularly updated in order to maintain this delicate balance in a rapidly changing world. Significant technological and market changes over the last decade due to the digital era have reshaped the ways in which content is created, distributed, and accessed.
Learn more about why copyright matters to you here.
Review of the Copyright Act
MinLaw and IPOS are reviewing the copyright regime with the objectives of ensuring that it has rights which are reasonable, clear and capable of being efficiently transacted.
The following topics reflect MinLaw’s and IPOS’ proposals on possible changes to the Singapore copyright regime. Read the full consultation paper attached.
Establishing a voluntary copyright registration system
Granting creators default ownership of certain commissioned works
Setting an expiry date for protection of unpublished works
Attributing creators whenever their works are used
Providing information to help the creator-publisher/producer relationship
Protecting certain exceptions from being restricted by contracts
Strengthening the general “fair use” exception
Enabling the use of orphan works
Unlocking the potential of text and data mining
Facilitating educational uses by non-profit educational institutions
Facilitating the work of libraries and archives
Facilitating the work of museums and galleries
Adjusting existing provisions for print-disabled users
Allowing the use of non-patent literature in patent search and examination work
Increasing the availability of materials on official government registers
Updating the list of allowable circumventions of technological protection measures
Invitation for feedback
Your views are important and will help us in designing our future copyright regime in a way that takes into account the interests of all — creators, rights owners, users, businesses, and future creators.
The consultation period will run from Tuesday 23 August 2016 to Monday 24 October 2016. Instructions for providing detailed comments in writing may be found in Part IV of the full consultation paper (attached below).
Please let us know whether you are:
A writer, artist, musician, or other type of creator.
A business that publishes or produces copyrighted works.
A member of the general public.
A business that licences or uses copyrighted works.
Interested in all recommendations covered in the Review.
MinLaw and IPOS are also organising a briefing on the public consultation through a public town hall event on Thursday 8 September 2016, 2 PM. The briefing is open to members of the public. If you are interested in attending, please register for the town hall here.
Confidentiality of Feedback Received
MinLaw and IPOS reserve the right to make public all or parts of any written submission. Commenting parties may request for confidentiality for any part of the submission that is believed to be proprietary, confidential or commercially sensitive. Any such information should be clearly marked.
If MinLaw and IPOS grant confidential treatment, they will consider, but will not publicly disclose, the information.
If MinLaw and IPOS reject the request for confidential treatment, they will return the information to the party that submitted it and not consider this information as part of its review.
As far as possible, parties should limit any request for confidential treatment of information submitted. MinLaw and IPOS will not accept any submission that requests confidential treatment of all, or a substantial part, of the submission.