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Corporate Communications
Consultation Period: 24 Apr 2016 - 19 Jun 2016
Status: Closed
Minister of State for Health Dr Lam Pin Min and Minister of State for Education Dr Janil Puthucheary will jointly lead an inter-agency taskforce to guide the development of NurtureSG, a plan to enhance health outcomes among our young. This was announced at the Ministry of Health (MOH)’s Committee of Supply Debate 2016.
Lifestyle habits are often formed when young and carried into adulthood. It is therefore important to ensure that our children develop healthy behaviours early. NurtureSG will focus on fostering healthy behaviours in our young, by equipping them with skills and creating a conducive environment for them to embrace healthy living. Parents, caregivers, educators and the community will be roped in to achieve this aim.
In the longer term, the aim of NurtureSG is to make an impact on the health outcomes of our children and youth, such as reducing the prevalence of lifestyle risk factors for chronic diseases, and promoting overall well-being. With a healthy body and mind, this sets a strong foundation for the health of Singaporeans and the future of Singapore.
An eight-week public consultation exercise on NurtureSG will be launched on 24 April to engage parents, caregivers, youths, and the private sector, including pre-schools, to seek ideas on how to encourage and enable our children and youth to adopt and maintain healthy lifestyles.
Public Online Consultation on NurtureSG (24 April 2016)
Registration for NurtureSG Engagement Sessions is Now Open! Sign up here (19 April 2016)