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- Proposed changes to MEES for water-cooled chilled water systems used for space cooling in new industrial facilities
Proposed changes to MEES for water-cooled chilled water systems used for space cooling in new industrial facilities
The National Environmental Agency (NEA) is seeking feedback on the proposed changes to the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) for Water-Cooled Chilled Water systems (WC-CWS) used for space cooling in New Industrial Facilities.

National Environment Agency
Consultation Period: 31 Dec 2024 - 31 Jan 2025
Status: Closed
Detailed Description
The National Environmental Agency (NEA) is seeking feedback on the proposed changes to the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) for Water-Cooled Chilled Water systems (WC-CWS) used for space cooling in New Industrial Facilities. The consultation will commence on 31 Dec 2024 and end on 31 Jan 2025.
NEA introduced MEES for WC-CWS in new industrial facilities in 2020 to set a benchmark for the industry and catalyse companies to adopt, develop and operate more energy efficient systems. This is part of our initiative to reduce Singapore’s greenhouse gas emissions, where the industrial sector accounts for the largest share of the emissions and has the largest potential for reduction.
Under the Energy Conservation Act (ECA), new industrial facilities that apply for planning permission or equivalent on or after 1 Dec 2020 must conform to MEES for water-cooled chilled water systems. 1 Refer to the table below for the tiered-MEES based on the chilled water supply temperature.
Tiered-MEES based on the chilled water supply temperature
Chilled water supply temperature (˚C) | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ≥10 |
MEES in kWe/kWc (kW/RT) | 0.203 (0.714) | 0.200 (0.703) | 0.197 (0.693) | 0.194 (0.682) | 0.191 (0.672) | 0.188 (0.661) | 0.185 (0.651) | Energy performance for chilled water supply temperature ≥10 oC to be improved from 0.185 kWe/kWc at 9oC by 0.003 kWe/kWc for every 1°C increase in chilled water supply temperature |
Existing industrial facilities with WC-CWS will be required to conform to the same MEES when MEES for WC-CWS is implemented for registered corporations under the ECA on 1 Dec 2025 and other industrial facilities on 1 Dec 2029.
Proposed Alignment
Under BCA’s Building Control (Environmental Sustainability) Regulations, WC-CWS used in new commercial buildings for space cooling must meet a minimum energy efficiency standard of 0.63kW/RT as specified under the Code for Environmental Sustainability of Buildings (4th Edition)2.
NEA intends to align the MEES level for WC-CWS that is dedicated only for space cooling3 purposes with BCA’s energy efficiency standard. The new requirement will be as follows:
New industrial facilities that are applying for planning permission or equivalent on or after 1 Apr 2026 that install WC-CWS only for space cooling purposes will need to comply with a single MEES level of 0.63kW/RT (0.179kWe/kWc) regardless of the chilled water supply temperature.
WC-CWS that are used for process cooling including for multiple applications (space and process cooling) will still be subject to the tiered-MEES to cater to the wide range of chilled water temperatures required (see Para 3).
The alignment will improve consistency of WC-CWS standards cross government agencies and further improve the energy performance of WC-CWS in new industrial facilities. NEA intends to gazette this legislative amendment by November 2025 and to implement the alignment from 1 Apr 2026.
Request for Feedback
This proposal is released for the purpose of consultation. All comments received during the consultation exercise will be reviewed and will be taken into consideration in developing the final requirements. Parties wishing to provide feedback may do so at go.gov.sg/mees. The consultation exercise will end on 31 Jan 2025.
1 MEES cover electrically driven, water-cooled chilled water systems in industrial facilities with a total installed capacity of 1055kW (300RT) or more, which produces chilled eater at a temperature of 3oC or higher.
2 The Building Control (Environment Sustainability) Regulations apply to building works which involve gross floor area of 5,000 m2 or more. The minimum energy efficiency standards specified for water-cooled chilled water plants in the Code of Environmental Sustainability of Buildings (4th Edition) apply to building cooling systems that serves an aggregate air-conditioning area of more than 500m2. Chilled water systems in commercial buildings are mainly used for space cooling.
3 Space cooling includes but is not limited to the cooling of spaces such as office areas, clean rooms, storage rooms.