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Public Consultation on Codes of Animal Welfare
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CommitteeWorkgroup - MultiStakeholder Collaboration Committee MSCC
Consultation Period: 09 Nov 2013 - 09 Dec 2013
Status: Closed
The Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration Commitee (MSCC) for animal welfare invites public to provide feedback on the Codes of Animal Welfare for Pet Owners and Pet Industry
Detailed Description
1. The Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration Committee (MSCC) for animal welfare invites interested parties to provide feedback on the Codes of Animal Welfare for Pet Owners and the Pet Industry.
1. Animal welfare is a shared responsibility amongst all stakeholders in Singapore. The Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration Committee (MSCC) for Animal Welfare was set up to serve as a ‘ground-up’ platform for a wider group of stakeholders to air their views and to strengthen multi-stakeholder collaboration to promote animal welfare in Singapore.
2. One of the key areas for collaboration is the development of Codes of Animal Welfare. This arose as a key recommendation of the Animal Welfare Legislation Review Committee (AWLRC), who wanted to reposition the current “reactive” mode to one that is more “preventative”. To this end, the AWRLC recommended that Codes of Animal Welfare be developed to provide standards and guidelines on what is right and wrong with respect to care and interactions with animals. The MSCC has issued a press release, which may be found at link. The full AWRLC report can be accessed at the following
Codes of Animal Welfare
3. The Codes of Animal Welfare seek to establish a common ground on what is appropriate for the care of animals in our local context. The Codes set out minimum standards and best practices for the keeping of owned pets and pets managed by businesses. It also provides practical guidelines on how to meet the needs of animals to ensure their well-being. The Codes cover common domestic pet species kept in Singapore and where relevant, species specific guidelines are provided to cater for the varying needs between species.
4. While the Codes will not be legislated, failure to meet the minimum standards stipulated can be used as evidence to support prosecution of cruelty offences committed under the Animals and Birds Act. Likewise, compliance to the Codes may also be used as defence against any allegations of animal cruelty. The recommendations for best practices have no legal bearing, and are included in the Codes to encourage pet owners and the pet industry to aim for high standards of welfare for animals under their care.
(a) Codes of Animal Welfare for Pet Owners: The Codes of Animal Welfare for Pet Owners apply to all pet owners and persons in charge (i.e. an individual tasked to care for the pet temporarily in the owner’s absence).
(b) Codes of Animal Welfare for Pet Industry: The Codes of Animal Welfare for Pet Industry apply to all employers and staff in the pet industry, even if their commercial activities are not currently regulated by AVA.
Public Consultation
5. The Codes of Animal Welfare are applicable to a wide range of people who interact with pet animals in Singapore. The MSCC would thus like to seek your views on the following:
(i) Do the Codes sufficiently address the basic responsibilities of pet owners and the pet industry?
(ii) Do the Codes sufficiently address the basic requirements for the care of animals?
(iii) Are the minimum standards that are set out for animal welfare achievable by most, if not by all?
(iv) Is there anything else that should be addressed by the Codes?
6. The consultation exercise will run for a duration of one month, from 9 November 2013 to 9 December 2013. All feedback received will be taken into consideration by the MSCC and will be kept confidential.
7. You can also send your feedback via e-mail to
. Please indicate “Public Consultation on Codes of Animal Welfare” in the subject title line.