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Public Consultation on the Draft Energy Conservation Bill
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Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources - Environmental Policy Division
Consultation Period: 15 Dec 2011 - 28 Dec 2011
Status: Closed
The Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources and the Ministry of Transport are seeking feedback on the draft Energy Conservation Bill
Detailed Description
1 The Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources (MEWR) and the Ministry of Transport (MOT) are seeking feedback on the draft Energy Conservation Bill.
2 The Energy Conservation Act (ECA) will mandate energy management practices for large energy users in the industry and transport sectors to promote energy conservation, improve energy efficiency and reduce environmental impacts. The introduction of this Bill is in line with Singapore’s target to improve our energy intensity by 35% from 2005 levels by 2030, as stated in the 2009 Sustainable Singapore Blueprint.
3 Based on consultations with industry and benchmarking studies, there is currently a wide spread in terms of the quality of energy management among companies, with some facilities managing their energy consumption less closely than others. Mandating energy management practices under the Energy Conservation Act will focus management attention on proper energy management.
4 The key features of the Bill are:
a. Large energy users in industry and transport sectors that consume more than 15 GWh of energy each year will be covered in the legislation.
b. All large energy users in the industry and transport sectors that consume more than 15 GWh of energy each year will be required to (i) appoint an energy manager, (ii) monitor and report energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, and (iii) submit energy efficiency improvement plans.
c. Mandatory Energy Labelling Scheme (MELS) and Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for household appliances as well as the Fuel Economy Labelling Scheme for passenger cars and light goods vehicles under the Environmental Protection and Management Act will be consolidated under the Energy Conservation Bill.
5 MEWR and MOT welcome interested parties to provide their feedback on the following:
a. Currently, under the Bill, the energy manager (one of the employees of the corporation) is to
- Assist the corporation to prepare the energy use report and energy efficiency improvement plan;
- Train and educae employees of the corporation on energy conservation practices of the corporation; and
- Encourage energy conservation efforts by the corporation.
In addition, large energy users are required to submit, on an annual basis, information on their energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, as well as energy efficiency plans.
Are these provisions adequate in ensuring sustained top management attention on energy use? What other provisions would spur lagging companies to adopt best practices and manage energy like a strategic resource?
b. Since 2010 MEWR and MOT have been engaging corporations in consultations to communicate the intent and provisions of the Bill. We are currently developing a web-based system to support online submissions from corporations and plan to develop guidance and instructional materials. We welcome suggestions on how else to ensure a smooth transition to complying with the provisions of the ECA.
c. Energy labels for household appliances allow consumers to compare the energy efficiency and lifecycle costs (Lifecycle cost includes both the upfront cost as well as the operating cost, which consists mainly of the cost of electricity consumed, over the useful lifecycle of the appliance) of different models, and to make better informed purchasing decisions. Currently, household air-conditioners, refrigerators and clothes dryers are covered under the MELS. To complement MELS, MEPS was implemented for household air-conditioners and refrigerators from 1 Sep 2011. MEPS removes the most inefficient appliance models from our market, by prohibiting the sale of all appliances that fall short of a specified minimum energy efficiency level. A wide range of energy efficient appliance brands and models remain available after the implementation of MEPS. We are exploring the possibility of extending MELS and MEPS to other appliances in the future. Do you find the information on energy labels useful? Do you continue to enjoy a good selection and variety of brands and features with the implementation of MEPS?
6 All feedback can be sent electronically to MEWR_ECBill@mewr.gov.sg. The feedback should reach us by 5.00pm, 28 December 2011.
7 The public may view the draft Bill at http://www.reach.gov.sg/REACH/Old-REACH/Old-Site/0/EConsult/42/EnergyC-Bill-2011.pdf